
Impeccable service all round!!

Hi Patrick, I am very pleased to say that I found it very easy to invest in CMB due to their <a href="https://www.cmbeb5visa.com/news/article/eb-5-news-cmb-regional-centers-reaches-23-partnerships-with-an-i-829-approval">impressive success rat</a>e. With the help of all the staff at CMB and my attorney, my application was approved before the USCIS average processing time. My eldest son was on the verge of ageing out, however CMB compensated and allowed me to invest in an ongoing investment group. I would strongly recommend anyone to go down this route and to invest with CMB. A Swift, Impressive, and Impeccable service all round!! P.K. - United Kingdom


We are now looking forward to establish a new life

Dear Pat, I would like to give you a few words of update about our family move to the USA. Our interview at the the US Embassy was scheduled for January 17 and within a few days we got our passports back with the visa in place. We immediately moved to California where we were able to join our two eldest children who also got green cards and who are currently studying at Stanford University. We rented a very nice house in the hills of San Carlos between Stanford in San Francisco, and I understand from our lawyer Tony Olson in Florida, that we have received four out of the five green cards. Settling in California was a breeze and a pleasure and we are now looking forward to establish a new life, with new friends new opportunities and hopefully soon new job for me and my wife. I would like to thank CMB for your relentless efforts in getting us through the process and in particular Moussa who has been efficient, diligent and patient with us. For the future I hope that the project in Century Plaza will continue to perform on track, to deliver strong commercial results and to pay back the capital as soon as possible. This would really make the overall process a fantastic success. I understand that the legal framework of the EB 5 industry is uncertain, and I wish you good luck for the continuation of your activities. With best regard V.T. - France


We left feeling like a part of a huge very friendly family

I wanted to take a opportunity to reach out and say a huge thank you to you and all the team that helped in organizing and running the event on Saturday we both were very humbled by the whole event, we expected to be treated as faceless number of group 5, and boy how wrong we were, from the get go we were made to feel very welcome it was as if all the team knew us, we left feeling like a part of a huge very friendly family, I wasn’t expecting to feel how personal this whole process was to you and your team, I also hadn’t considered that much the human factor effect on the investment side, San Bernardino for example is just an amazing accomplishment. P.W. - United Kingdom


Aujourd'hui je conseille vivement CMB regional center puisque ce qui est annoncé sur leur site bien la vérité et ce n'est pas du cinéma

Notre aventure EB5 à commencé après deux ans passés aux USA ( visa E2) statut qui malheureusement s'est avéré être une impasse quand à notre changement de projet d'immigrer dans le pays. Nous nous sommes donc rapprochés d'un avocat d'immigration spécialisé dans l'EB5 ( ils ne le sont pas tous) pour la mise en place du process qui fut dans notre cas l'investissement d'une vie ( vente de notre maison en France et mise sur la table de toutes nos économies...). La base de l'EB5 doit être à risque mais je rassure tout le monde , un bon avocat avec des résultats 100% positifs sur ses dossier clients et ce sûr de nombreuse années sait parfaitement identifier ses partenaires ( regional center). En revanche l'avocat en lui même n'était pas suffisant à notre niveau car nous avions tellement de questions très précises et besoin d'être rassuré sur tous les cas de figures du projet que nous avons commencé à communiquer en direct avec CMB et plus particulièrement Moussa qui était la personne en charge du marché francophone. Moussa à été extrêmement présent dans les mois qui ont suivi le dépôt de notre demande (28 septembre 2015 jusqu'à ces derniers jour et l'approbation de notre dossier le 8 février 2017 ) surtout dans le 6 derniers mois . Toujours à l'écoute , disponible , à la recherche de la meilleure réponse possible auprès de sa direction quand il ne savait pas , rapide à répondre aux emails, et si nécessaire il prenait le téléphone pour vous tenir au courant. En résumé dans notre cas notre le ""rêve américain"" ou du moins l'avenir de notre famille aux USA peut être envisager mais que ce fut long d'attendre plus de 16 mois. Aujourd'hui je conseille vivement CMB regional center puisque ce qui est annoncé sur leur site bien la vérité et ce n'est pas du cinéma ( heureusement vous allez me dire - mais attention dans cet univers ce n'est pas toujours le cas). La première phase de ce long process est maintenant acquise après l'obtention de la GREEN CARD temporaire (24 mois) et ce terminera avec l'ouverture de la deuxième phase de levée de condition temporaire 90 jours avant les 24 mois. F.L. - France


I wanted to select a Regional Center with a business model that minimized the risk to the initial capital investment. After a lot of research, I selected CMB Regional Centers

The EB-5 program was highly attractive to me as a means of securing permanent residency for my family and myself within a reasonable timeframe, leveraging personal financial resources that I had saved through employment. Investment returns were not a criteria for selection of this program, although I wanted to select a Regional Center with a business model that minimized the risk to the initial capital investment. After a lot of research, I selected CMB Regional Centers for a number of reasons: -Informative, knowledgeable staff who took time to explain the process, the opportunity and risks and facilitate the transaction without high pressure sales tactics. -Solid track record. -Clear and credible business plan that explained how the requisite jobs were to be created through the investment. -How risk to base capital would be minimized, with a low but credible investment return. -Clearly defined timeline to winding up the limited partnership and expected return of capital. Having successfully passed the I-829 stage and achieved unconditional permanent resident status, I can say that I am very happy to have selected CMB and would recommend them for serious consideration by anybody else contemplating this path to permanent residency. A.S. - United Kingdom


I would strongly suggest them looking at CMB

My wife and I started looking at the EB-5 visa as a means of immigrating to the U.S. of A. We first started looking around the internet to find out what was needed and what we had to do. We came across several Regional Centers. But we found that CMB had the best reputation ‘out there’. As we were investing a lot of money, we wanted to use the best. Also we both wanted the best opportunity of being granted Green Cards, which was the main reason for our investment. Also very high in our priorities was the return of our investment. CMB/Mr Hogan had the reputation of doing both. CMB/Mr Hogan, obviously did a good job, as our I-526 and I-829 (Green Cards), were approved without any problems. Various cities in California, where our money was invested, got into financial difficulties, and we worried about our investment. When I contacted CMB I was assured that the investment was constructed in such a way that the loans still had to be repaid. And so it has proven. At the end of the loan agreement we were given our investment back At all times I have been treated politely and courteously by everyone at CMB that I have had any contact with, even when I’m sure I asked silly questions. If anyone was looking for a Regional Center with which to do business, I would strongly suggest them looking at CMB. Mr Hogan said he would do his best to a) get us our green cards, b) return our investment to us at the end of the agreement. CMB/Mr Hogan did both. R.B. - United Kingdom


A daunting experience made easy by the very helpful members of the team

Our partnership has come to an end and we wish to express our thanks to all the team at CMB. This was for us, a daunting experience made easy by the very helpful members of the team, who replied promptly to any query we had. We received our Permanent Resident cards within a year of moving to the USA. Our original investment has now been returned a little earlier than we expected. In conclusion we would highly recommend CMB to any future investors. R.B. - United Kingdom


Thank you CMB for living up to your investor's expectations

I would like to let other potential investors know what a wonderful experience I have had with CMB In 2009 I started the whole EB-5 process for my family &amp; after doing my due diligence &amp; also having spoken to Pat Hogan on numerous occasions to clarify some points on the investment side, I became one of 52 investors in the Group ll project. Everything that was promised by CMB was delivered &amp; now our initial investment is about to be returned ahead of schedule, which is a great accomplishment &amp; cause for celebration by all concerned. Thank you CMB for living up to your investor's expectations &amp; providing regular updates keeping everyone informed. It's been a great experience moving from N. Ireland to Florida to live the American Dream &amp; you've made it possible!!!! D.B. - Ireland


I would recommend CMB and its programs to anyone who is interested in pursuing permanent residency in the United States.

I have been granted permanent residency status (green card) in the U.S through the EB-5 program. This is a government regulated program that offers the possibility of gaining permanent resident status in the U.S. in exchange of foreign investments within certain selected, high unemployment areas. I first came in contact with such program through an immigration attorney who suggested I researched such program to address my need to transition from a visa to a green card status. It turned out to be a very good advice as today my family and I reside in the U.S as legal permanent residents. I chose to invest into one of CMB EXPORT's available projects at the time. I did so after evaluating a number of Regional Centers and learning about their investment programs. Given the nature of the program, each program must demonstrate ability to create and sustain employment within certain geographical areas. I understood it was critical for me to focus on those Centers whose reputation and business model made the most sense. I visited the program by CMB EXPORT and met with the management on site. I personally learned and saw the infrastructures built by CMB and also learned about their business assumptions to demonstrate the employment requirements. I spoke over the phone with CM B's senior management and made sure I asked all the questions that came to my attention as an investor. It became very clear to me that CMB was my best option to gain permanent residency while minimizing the risk involved with the EB-5 investment. After about 3 years my family and I have been granted a green card. CMB has been very diligent in sharing information as well as managing the corporate paperwork involved with the partnership. Senior management has been transparent and proactive even when our particular project faced uncertain times due to external and unrelated facts. To this day, CMB has been a perfect manager of my investment, delivering the immigration status I seeked and managing my investment. All this during very difficult economic times. I would recommend CMB and its programs to anyone who is interested in pursuing permanent residency in the United States. M.C. - Italy


I am extremely happy with my choice

My family and I are extremely happy in our choice of CMB as our partner in the EB-5 venture. My worries and concerns are constantly reduced by the steady and measurable progress we receive from CMB. I am extremely happy with my choice and I will recommend your Center to anyone who I may encounter with EB-5 needs. M.C. - Italy


The only company offering the degree of capital security I was looking for EB-5 Visa

It is was my belief that capital security should be the prime motivation for my visa related investment .If one wants to take a risk on a Hotel development in San Diego then it should be done on its merits and not as part of a visa application. My primary reason for choosing CMB was that they were the only company offering the degree of capital security I was looking for. It was a happy bonus for me that everyone I dealt with at CMB was easily contactable, efficient and pleasant. My family and I are now happily settled in the United States and despite the worst economic turmoil since the Great Depression my capital outlay remains relatively secure. Exactly what it says on the tin. I.W. - United Kingdom

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