TESTIMONIALS - South America


CMB is an excellent company

Dear Patrick F. Hogan, Today I am grateful for the attention, dedication and professionalism that the CMB demonstrated in those years, so that I could reach my goal of immigrating legally to the United States of America. In August 2013 I closed the contract of my partnership. I made my investment in group XI. In 2015, I was in my interview for my Green Card (I-526). I came to the United States in 2015. In 2017 I had my I-826 in hand.I did not have a difficulty or complaint from my Immigration Lawyer regarding the lack of a document. CMB is an excellent company. Today June 2018, I had the biggest surprise. With a year and a half before maturity, I received from CMB the return on my investment. I just have to thank the entire CMB team. Especially Gisele, thank you for your attention for all these years. Thank you. S.G. - Brazil


Estamos felices de ver nuestros sueños cumplidos

Gracias al EB5 y a vuestro constante apoyo, lo hemos logrado. Estamos felices de ver nuestros sueños cumplidos. Un gran abrazo y nuestro aprecio a Pat Hogan por este hermoso trabajo en beneficio de tanta gente que vemos en US nuestra oportunidad de aportar y disfrutar de una excelente vida. Feliz Navidad y un muy próspero Año 2018 en unión de vuestras familias y amigos. A.I. - Chile


Distance was never an issue regarding the quality of their attention and help.

Patrick Hogan  has given me the eye-opening opportunity and experience to invest in CMB and due to their forth effort we we recently got the approval for the I-526 petition . Distance was never an issue regarding the quality of their attention and help. we are grateful of their outstanding attention and sympathy to guide us through the process. they have always been at arms length with regards either e-mail or a phone call away to assist in any way they can, always very attentive and punctual.They are extremely thoughtful and have taken the time to follow my individual case through to the end and also the first to call and congratulate me and my family when we finally got the approval for investment. Thank you for allowing us to meet our dreams and we hope and are very proud that you are able to do the same with other families. C.L.H.P. - Venezuela


I received my Green Card in the mail last week

I would like to inform you and your team at CMB that I received my Green Card in the mail last week. I am now a conditional permanent resident and I would like to thank you and your team for the professionalism, customer service, and solid investment. I was never let down by your team and I would recommend your firm to any qualified foreign investor, just like I did to my grandfather, who is now a subscriber to your project in Georgia. F.L.C. - Brazil


I knew CMB was the right option for me.

My first contact with CMB was in November of 2014. I had several questions, and when I discovered that the person who would contact me was also from Brazil and the entire conversation would be in Portuguese, my native language, I was impressed. Mrs. Goodwin was extremely helpful and went through all my questions, answering each of of them with a high level of expertise. After reviewing all the information and numbers, I knew CMB was the right option for me. Since I first visited the United States at the age of 9, I started dreaming about living here one day. I designed my whole life for this day. I graduated in International Relations and finished my Masters in Organizations and Development. I worked for 14 years for a multinational company but nothing sounded more secure and precise than choosing to immigrate as an investor. I am confident in the project I have invested. The frequent and open communication assures what the approval numbers already show, that CMB is an ethical and reliable company. My I-526 took 18 months to be approved but the wait just made the celebration even better. T.S. - Brazil


CMB Regional Centers me ha prestado en el transcurso de mi caso una excelente comunicación

Mi decisión de optar por una Visa EB-5 fue la mejor opción que me dieron mis abogados para poder inmigrar a los Estados Unidos de America al igual que la decisión de hacerlo a través de CMB Regional Centers, quienes han hecho un gran trabajo con mi inversión y han hecho posible que mi motivación principal de suscribir una unidad EB-5 la de inmigración, se este haciendo una realidad. El proceso migratorio en general ha sido lento pero se que mi objetivo de inmigrar a los Estados Unidos será pronto un hecho gracias al excelente servicio prestado por CMB Regional Centers. Para mi un excelente servicio se mide por la buena comunicación con el cliente y CMB Regional Centers me ha prestado en el transcurso de mi caso una excelente comunicación, informándome constantemente sobre mi inversión y beneficios. A.Z. - Venezuela


Todo esto no hubiera sido posible sin el trabajo en equipo de CMB, abogados y mío

Quería compartir con ustedes la inmensa alegría de tener aprobada la entrevista consular y nuestra próxima partida hacia los Estados Unidos. Todo esto no hubiera sido posible sin el trabajo en equipo de CMB, abogados y mío. Estoy muy contento por haberlos elegidos, siempre me dedicaron tiempo y amabilidad para despejar todas mis dudas, brindándome asesoramiento continuo e informándome acerca de la inversión en todas sus etapas. Cabe destacar que el objetivo de la inversión era obtener la residencia y prerservar el capital invertido, no un rendimiento financiero. En especial quisiera agradecer a usted, Carlos Fernández, quien ha sido la persona de contacto y el principal responsable de mi alta imagen de CMB. M.A.O. - Argentina


Estoy muy conforme con mi inversión ya que Ustedes tienen una excelente organización

Decidimos porCMB gracias a la recomendaciones  a mi abogado en leyes migratorias una persona de excelente trayectoria en la materia , los objetivos esperados han sido satisfactorios en cuanto a información acerca de todos sus proyectos, estoy muy conforme con mi inversión ya que Ustedes tienen una excelente organización y siempre nos mantienen informados realmente desarrollan un eficiente servicio en lo que al desarrollo de proyecto de refiere, muchas gracias por su atención, saludos, E.S. - Venezuela


CMB is interested and involved with the entire process rather than just with the investment

I have found it very easy to work with CMB from the very first time. Even though the EB5 process is quite complicated they always made sure to explain all information  and keep track of all steps of the process. In my opinion the constant flow of information and access to the project numbers an accomplishments made me believe my investment was safe and takes away the fear most people have from EB5 of not getting their investment back. Mr Carlos and Mr Ky were very hands on in helping me to find a new attorney when I needed. Carlos was always very keen to participate in all steps of my process, from investment to following up with my attorney, to information while the project was still being analysed by USCIS, through my request of evidence and finally through the approval, I appreciate his call to congratulate us, it feels like CMB is interested and involved with the entire process rather than just with the investment. F.W.F. - Brazil


Los proyectos que CMB realiza son solidos y muy bien programados

Nos decidimos por la Visa Eb5 ya que consideramos el mejor camino para conseguir la residencia para nuestra familia, cuando nos informamos del funcionamiento y los requisitos de la Visa, fuimos a seleccionar los profesionales para poder realizar la aplicacion de forma exitosa y nos llamo la atencion la empresa CMB, con una estructuracion de sus centros regionales muy bien organizada para este fin. Siempre la atencion por parte de Carlos de CMB fue detallada y con gran professionalismo, lo que nos hizo sentir seguros de la inversion a realizar. En todas las etapas de la aplicacion, contamos con las respuestas detalladas a nuestras dudas por parte de Carlos de manera inmediata, y con su atencion constituyo una ayuda importantisima a cada momento. No fue nuestra intencion al realizar la inversion el motivo financiero y si unicamente el objetivo de conseguir la residencia, y al final del proyecto recuperar nuestro capital historico.Los proyectos que CMB realiza son solidos y muy bien programados, asi que hoy podemos decir que nuestro objetivo está siendo cumplido y el servicio contratado, ejecutado de manera muy satisfactoria. G.C. - Argentina


La comunicación con las oficinas de CMB ha sido muy satisfactoria y eficiente.

Seleccionamos el programa EB5 pues este presentaba una opción válida y viable para nosotros para emigrar legalmente a los Estados Unidos y las reglas que establecía el programa lucían claras y factibles. Las demás opciones que teníamos disponibles eran mas complicadas y no estaba claro cual podía ser el resultado final. Cuando iniciamos nuestra investigación de los programas del EB5, los que nos mencionaron en Florida y en Vermont no fueron de nuestro agrado por diversas razones. En cambio, en California, CMB ya había realizado proyectos exitosos y ofrecía otros que estaban ajustándose a las expectativas de los inversionistas. Además, explicaba muy bien de qué se trataban los próximos programas de inversión y la mecánica de cómo ocurrirían los eventos que nosotros requeríamos para obtener la “Residencia Permanente”. Nuestra experiencia con el Programa EB5 y con CMB a sido muy positiva. Hasta la fecha todos los eventos que estipulaba el programa se han cumplido en el tiempo previamente establecido y sin inconvenientes. El programa ha sido costoso y muy laborioso; tuvimos que obtener y suministrar muchísima información personal y los gastos de abogados fueron elevados pero estábamos conscientes de que así iba a ser por lo cual no fue una sorpresa. Lo importante fue que obtuvimos el producto que solicitamos en el tiempo que nos fue ofrecido sin inconveniente alguno. La comunicación con las oficinas de CMB ha sido muy satisfactoria y eficiente. Cada vez que hemos requerido alguna información la hemos obtenido pronta y satisfactoriamente. Solamente esta pendiente un evento: la recuperación del dinero invertido el cual según el cronograma del programa de CMB debería ocurrir en el 2017. Resumiendo, nuestra experiencia con CMB ha sido muy positiva y lo ofrecido se ha cumplido oportunamente. Como la contestación a las preguntas del cuestionario están incluidas en lo que aquí te escribo, no llenaremos el mismo. W.K. - Venezuela


Aunque vamos despacio vamos seguros

Sres. CMB , reciban nuestras palabras de gratitud por la aprobación de la forma I-526 de parte del Departamento de Inmigración de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Nuestra intención con el proyecto de CMB es el de conseguir un status legal en el proceso migratorio para la familia. Escogimos CMB porque nos fue altamente recomendado por nuestro abogado de inmigración la Sra. Maritza Casablanca desde la ciudad de Miami. Al serle sincero nuestra relación directa con CMB ha sido escasa pero sabemos que han trabajado de la mano de nuestro abogado para conseguir nuestro objetivo final que es la residencia permanente en USA , que esperamos sea otorgada prontamente. El proceso lo considero un poco lento, ya que tenemos 2 años y 3 meses en el Proyecto de CMB, pero entendemos que es el tiempo promedio que toma el proceso , debido al alto volumen de peticiones. De cualquier forma me parece importante el logro obtenido hasta este momento y muy positivo. Aunque vamos despacio vamos seguros. Nuevamente gracias por aceptarnos ser parte de sus clientes y espero poder darle buenas nuevas prontamente. I.W. - Venezuela


The ideal company with which one can walk the complex way towards residence in the USA.

I decided to go for the EB-5 program option as I understood that it had a correct balance between the risk of the investment and the immigration benefits I was seeking. EB-5 is an investment that I made with the goal of establishing myself with my family in the USA, while protecting as far as possible the investment capital. The financial yield on this investment is secondary to achieving the objective of residence in the USA.The three elements that are vital to the success of the investment and to establish residence in the USA are the selection of the Regional Center through which the investment will be made, the selection of the project in which the investment will go, and the methodology for calculating the jobs that are generated. In my experience with CMB I found it to be a very serious and realistic Regional Center, and with the biggest and best experience on the subject.The projects that it offers are previously well studied and very well structured and the methodology for calculating job creation is widely accepted by the USA immigration authority, which is who will decide on each case. The attention was always immediate, very friendly but absolutely clear and forthright terms. CMB is very professional and it is the ideal company with which one can walk the complex way towards residence in the USA. (Translated from Spanish) J.C.S. - Columbia


Thank you very much for your permanent support.

I thank you for your words. I am very grateful and pleased for having obtained our approval. We chose the EB-5 program as a sure alternative to obtain the permanent residence in The United States, a wonderful country where the life and safety of their inhabitants is the first priority. A country full of opportunities. We chose for this program as it the best option for getting residency.We chose CMB Regional Centers to be the best option, a reputable company with experience and a high level of success. It is very important to know that our investment is in safe projects supervised by you. All of your staff was always willing to give us the necessary responses to our inquiries, especially you Mr. Fernandez, thank you very much for your permanent support. (Translated from Spanish) C.C. - Peru


The track record CMB shows and the way the process is handled makes it easier for investors.

I found CMB to be very professional and reassuring. It is a big decision to put all this money in someone else’s hands and you are dealing with a lot of “first time information”. No matter how well you do your due diligence at the end of the day there is always some anxiety and fear of the unknown. I believe that the track record CMB shows and the way the process is handled makes it easier for investors. They were never tired of answering my many and some times obvious questions. The quality of the communication is also very good. like the newsletters, updated website, approachable staff, etc. More important the results are solid. They have good projects and partners and apparently the right connections. It is a long journey until the moment you have your investment back and your permanent green card, but I feel that this is going to the right track. S.C. - Brazil


I made a very deep analysis of many Regional Centers, and by the end, I choose CMB

Just one and a half year ago I decided to move to USA and apply for the EB-5 program through Regional Centers. I had read about the program in 2013, and it seems to me a little bit suspicious at that time. However, as I was during my work life involved with companies in restructuration processes, many of them with good results, I decided to study all the aspects of the program, and to evaluate the various choices of Regional Centers that are dealing with the EB-5 pilot program. During two months I made a very deep analysis of many Regional Centers, and by the end, I choose CMB to be my partner on my Project of Life. Fortunately, I met the right persons that introduced me to the various projects under CMB sponsorship, you inclusive, who dedicated lot of their time to answer my enormous and variety of questions. Finally, it was easy to decide for the Group 26 project. Today, I am in the process of Adjustment of Status, since my I-526 has been approved on the beginning of this December, just 14 months after filing the application. I really believe that this success has been achieved so quickly and safe because CMB team always follows the most effective and right path to help its clients or partners meet their final goal obtaining permanent residency in USA. Thank you Carlos, Patrick Hogan, and CMB team for helping us to have a better life. W.P. - Brazil


We just got what we were looking for.

Thank you, Patrick, for your letter regarding the approval of our I-829 petition. As you said we're more than excited with this happy ending process. At this time, becoming friends with our attorney Carlos Colombo, we can say that you really are a very serious and reliable company. Never a problem, not a single issue, everything went perfect during all this time. I know that, as investors, the utilities we get are extremely poor, but in the other hand, we just got what we were looking for. And that means success. Now the only thing that rest is to have our money back as soon as possible, so we can invest in a more profitable product for our family's future. I wish you the best and hope to seeing you in a near future. M.M. - Argentina

5910 N Central Expy, Suite 1000
Dallas, Texas 75206
Regional Office
7819 42 Street West
Rock Island, Illinois USA 61201
Contact Us
+1 309-797-1550
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This is not an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to purchase securities. Any offer to participate in any sponsored project may only be made pursuant to a written offering memorandum. Any sale in a sponsored project shall be evidenced by a subscription agreement executed by a foreign national and will be offered and sold, to the extent applicable, both within and outside of the United States in reliance on exemptions from registration under the securities act, state laws and the laws of jurisdictions where the offering will be made.